Number "20245702
Type of message border rejection
Date of first message 25.07.2024
Announcement was made by Greece (GR)
Description Unauthorised flavouring preparation (aqua distillate stone flower) in concentrated syrup from Pakistan
Product category sweetening foods (other than honey)
Article syrup
Hazard novel food powdered ruffle lichen (Parmelia perlata)
Country of origin Pakistan
Distribution Greece
Quantity (market) No data available
Investigation results According to the Certificate of Composition accompanying the product, the syrup contains “Aqua distillate Stone Flower” which has been used for flavouring purposes and it is a flavouring preparation under the meaning of article 3, par. 2(d) of the Regulation (EC) 1334/2008. Since there is no evidence that the source of this flavouring preparation, Parmotrema perlatum (Parmelia perlata) (Stone Flower), has been consumed as a food in EU nor that this plant has been used as a source material for the production of flavourings in EU before 2008, an evaluation and approval procedure is required according to article 8 and article 9, point (b) of Reg. (EC) 1334/2008. If the use of a flavouring preparation in a food does not comply with Reg. (EC) 1334/2008, this food cannot be placed on the market (art. 5).
Remarks border control - consignment detained - product not (yet) placed on the market - official detention

An evaluation is only possible for Safefood-Online customers

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